Category Archives: News
How does the personal injury claim process work?
The personal injury claim process begins with an injury resulting from another person’s negligent actions, or their failure to act, such as with a car, bike, or motorcycle accident, a dog-bite, or a slip and fall. These types of accidents can result in the need of a personal injury lawyer. Personal injury lawyers work… Read More
Early Investigation Often Means Better Results
The ability to treat injuries on a lien without incurring large out of pocket expenses Collection and preservation of evidence Identifying responsible parties Communication with the insurance carriers No one wants to go to the doctor; however, if someone is in an accident or injured, seeking medical attention as soon as possible may help… Read More
Help After a Motor Vehicle Accident
The attorneys at Kalfayan Merjanian know the laws when it comes to motor vehicle accidents and fight for a fair settlement for each client. When a motor vehicle accident strikes, it can cause injury as well as property damage. If a motor vehicle accident is the fault of another driver, there may be compensation… Read More
Hiring the Right Personal Injury Attorney
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident, recovery can prove to be an extensive process. In said recovery process, the importance of having an experienced personal injury lawyer becomes an essential factor. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a personal injury attorney: Experience Having the necessary expertise… Read More
Drowsy Driving Accidents Attorney California
The danger of drowsy driving is often underestimated, with many drivers believing that they are able to stay awake and alert even when that’s not the case. Young drivers are especially at risk of overestimating their abilities, with more drivers among the ages of 19 to 24 admitting to driving drowsy than any other… Read More
Drowsy Driving: Troublesome Statistics
Even if drivers follow all safety precautions, there’s still a drowsy driving accident risk. If you’ve been the victim of an accident where a drowsy driver was a factor, it may be a good idea to get in touch with the experienced team at CA Trial Attorneys. Our talented team has experience with drowsy… Read More
Bad Faith Business: Contracts California
Fighting against Bad Faith Insurance Claims: Your insurance company has a responsiblity to settle your claims in the fairest manner possible. There are instances when an insurance company uses deceptive practices to avoid paying your claim or settling on a fair amount. This a bad-faith claim and you need an attorney to help you… Read More