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Huntington Beach Slip and Fall Attorneys


At Kalfayan Merjanian, LLP, our slip and fall accident lawyers have the professional skills and legal knowledge needed to hold negligent Huntington Beach businesses and property owners accountable. If you or your family member was seriously hurt in a slipping or tripping accident caused by the negligence of another, professional guidance and support are available. For your no-cost, no-obligation initial case evaluation with a Huntington Beach slip and fall accident attorney, please contact us today.

Many People are Hurt in Slip and Falls Each Year

Slip and fall accidents are more common than many people realize. The National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) reports that slip and falls/trip and falls result in more than one million emergency medical department visits nationwide each year. Some typical slip and fall accident injuries include:

  • Muscle strains;
  • Torn ligaments;
  • Broken bones;
  • Back injuries;
  • Facial injuries, including broken teeth;
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs);
  • Internal bleeding; and
  • Spinal cord damage.

An Overview of Slip and Fall Accident Liability in California

A slip and fall accident claim is a type of premises liability claim. In California, a property owner or business is not automatically liable for a slip and fall accident that occurs on their premises. To hold a defendant legally responsible for slip and fall accident injuries, a plaintiff must prove:

  • The defendant was in control of the property at the time of the accident;
  • The slip and fall was caused by an unreasonable safety hazard;
  • The safety hazard could have been removed with proper care; and
  • Actual harm was sustained in the slip and fall accident.

What Compensation is Available in a Slip and Fall Accident Claim?

In California, a slip and fall accident victim can seek compensation for economic and non-economic damages. How much compensation will be awarded in any specific case depends on a wide range of factors. Our Huntington Beach personal injury lawyers help guide our clients through the legal claims process. Slip and fall accident victims may be able to seek financial compensation for:

  • Ambulance costs and emergency room care;
  • Hospital bills and other medical expenses;
  • Lost wages, including diminished earning capacity;
  • Pain and suffering & emotional distress;
  • Permanent disability or disfigurement; and
  • Wrongful death of a close relative.

We Represent Slip and Fall Victims on Contingency

Injured victims need professional representation after an accident. With Kalfayan Merjanian, LLP, our clients do not have to worry about upfront costs or out-of-pocket fees. Our Huntington Beach premises liability attorneys represent slip and fall accident victims on a contingency fees basis.

Call Our Huntington Beach Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers Today

At Kalfayan Merjanian, LLP, our Huntington Beach slip and fall accident lawyers are compassionate, experienced advocates for injured victims and their family members. Contact our legal team now for a free, no-obligation review of your case. We represent slip and fall accident victims in Huntington Beach, Orange County, and throughout all of Southern California.

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